RT-PCR Test Kits und VirSNiP Mutations Assays zur Nachverfolgung von Varianten
Zu Beginn des Jahres 2020 hat sich SARS-CoV-2 von Asien aus über die ganze Welt verteilt und ist immer noch eine Bedrohung. TIB Molbiol hat schon im Januar 2020 COVID-19 PCR Test Kits produziert und seither über 60 Millionen Tests ausgeliefert. Besondere Beachtung finden derzeit die verschiedenen Mutanten. Wir bieten VirSNiP Assays, um solche Mutationen zu entdecken. Diese Assays können auch in Routine Tests integriert werden.
Diese Seite enthält eine Übersicht der derzeit erhältlichen Tests. Aufgrund der dynamischen Entwicklung der Pandemie werden wir neue Tests entwickeln, wenn es nötig ist.
SARS RT-PCR test kits
FAM label Coronavirus detection
53-0775-96 | Sarbeco N gene |
53-0776-96 | Sarbeco E gene |
53-0777-96 | SARS-CoV-2 RdRP |
to be combined with an extraction control Cy5 channel
66-0909-96 | EAV spiked target |
66-0914-96 | UBC human mRNA |
90-9999-96 | 1-step RT polymerase (dry) |
ModularDx kits are building blocks for multiplex PCR
One vial is for 96 reactions each 20 µl
Positive control is included
Polymerase and extraction kit not included
Product is dried - storage 4°C to 25°C
Shipping without temperature control
Frost exposure and temperature up to 45°C tested
IFU for use with Roche 480 instruments
FAM label TaqMan assays can be applied on any qPCR instrument (no instructions provided)
Standard run time approx 1 hour
FastCycling program 45 min run time
40-0776-96 | Sarbeco E gene + EAV |
90-9999-96 | 1-step RT polymerase |
IFU for use with Roche 480 instruments:
FAM and Cy5 label TaqMan assays can be applied on any qPCR instrument minimum FAM and Cy5 channel (no instructions provided)
40-0770-96 | Dual Target SARS + UBC |
90-9999-96 | 1-step RT polymerase |
Product evaluated with heat-treated gargle solution (no extraction required)
IFU for use with Roche 480 instruments Cyan500, FAM and HEX label TaqMan assays. Can be applied on any qPCR instrument minimum FAM and HEX channels (no instructions provided)
60-0770-96 | Dual Target SARS + UBC |
HEX | SARS-Cov-2 N gene |
ROX | Sarbeco E gene |
Cy5 | UBC extraction control |
Roche LightCycler® 480 II
50-0776-96 | Sarbecovirus SARS-CoV-2 |
53-0101-96 | Influenza A |
58-0102-96 | Influenza B |
61-0110-96 | RSV-A/B |
64-0134-96 | Picornavirus |
66-0909-96 | EAV extraction control |
* IVD registration pending
Distributed by Roche Diagnostics
cobas z 480 Analyzer
53-0101-96 | Influenza A |
58-0102-96 | Influenza B |
61-0110-96 | RSV-A/B |
64-0776-96 | SARS-CoV-2* |
66-0909-96 | EAV extraction control |
70-0110-96 | RSV-A/B* |
SARS testing only (any instrument FAM and Cy5 channel)
50-0776-96 | Sarbecovirus SARS-CoV-2 |
66-0990-96 | EAV extraction control |
50-0776-96 | Sarbecovirus SARS-CoV-2 |
66-0914-96 | UBC human mRNA |
and Roche LightCycler® Multiplex RNA Virus Master Cat.-No. 06 754 155 001 or
90-9999-96 | 1-step RT polymerase (dry) |
Probe-based melting curve assay for testing for common mutations in the SARS genome, allowing to screen for emerging strains such as B.1.1.7 (UK variant).
The high melting peak is an indication of the presence of the variant of interest. The 'wild type' sequence shows a lower Tm peak; other variants are expected to yield even lower melting peaks.
IFU is for use with Roche 480 instruments. Any other instrument with a SYBR Green melting curve is capable to detect the melting curve; programming should be adapated to a heating rate approx 0.2°C / sec
TIB MOLBIOL VirSNiP Omicron Variant Assays (RUO)
VirSNiP strain identification integrated in routine testing
Roche 480 | Instrument requirements : FAM (melting) / Cy5 |
50-0776-96 | Sarbecovirus SARS-CoV-2 |
53-0780-96 | SARS Spike N501Y (or other VirSNiP assay) |
66-0990-96 | EAV extraction control |
Complete Kit | Instrument requirements : FAM (melting) / HEX / ROX / Cy5 |
53-0780-96 | SARS Spike N501Y |
60-0770-96 | Dual Target SARS + UBC |
FAM | Virus mutation |
HEX | SARS-Cov-2 N gene |
ROX | Sarbeco E gene |
Cy5 | UBC human extraction control |
Complete Kit | Instrument requirements : FAM (melting) / HEX |
53-0780-96 | SARS Spike N501Y |
40-0770-96 | Dual Target SARS + UBC |
FAM | Virus mutation |
HEX | UBC human extraction control |
Winterplex® | Instrument requirements : 500 / FAM (melting) / HEX / ROX / 640 / Cy5 |
50-0776-96 | Sarbecovirus SARS-CoV-2 |
53-0780-96 | SARS Spike N501Y (or other VirSNiP assay) |
53-0101-96 | Influenza A |
58-0102-96 | Influenza B |
61-0110-96 | RSV-A/B |
64-0134-96 | Picornavirus |
66-0990-96 | EAV extraction control |
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D-12103 Berlin
T +49 30 78 79 94 55
F +49 30 78 79 94 99
© 2025 TIB Molbiol